Steal This Blog! Series

A collection of 3 posts

Steal This Blog! Part 1: Overview, Content Collections, Pages, and Components
Nerd Corner

Steal This Blog! Part 1: Overview, Content Collections, Pages, and Components

Recreating Ghost's Casper theme for Astro, with support for tags, author pages, scheduled posts, tailwind, and more.

  • 17 min read
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Steal This Blog! Part 2: Filtering Collections by Tags, Authors, and More
Nerd Corner

Steal This Blog! Part 2: Filtering Collections by Tags, Authors, and More

Creating a reusable way to filter blog posts and other content collections by various fields in Astro with pagination and meta tags.

  • 17 min read
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Steal This Blog! Part 3: Partial Components and Reusable UI
Nerd Corner

Steal This Blog! Part 3: Partial Components and Reusable UI

An overview of the seven most used components from this theme, with full source code of each component, and discussion of their most interesting features.

  • 11 min read
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